intertruth: the garden of eden is your cure
intertruth: the garden of eden is your cure
Rosa Lokey Orbe, J.D. CalBRE License # 02067079
About Us
Sonia Rosa Lokey Orbe, J.D., Master Gardener
I grew up in Southern Mississippi in the mid 1950-1960's. I grew up in a time when almost everyone had a garden in their back yard. I am sure many of the gardens were left over from the Victory Gardens of the 1940's. My Grandparents, who having lived on 300 acres that they owned and were now living on smaller acreage on the outskirts of Hattiesburg, MS, had their vegetable garden in the backyard. They had lettuce, carrots and tomatoes and various other edibles growing in their backyard and I was in love! I spent most of my time in my Grandfathers garden. My Father, had he own, big garden out in the country and I spent alot time in it. My Mother grew beautiful flowers and she knew the scientific and common name of just about everything. I took on the "grow your own vegetables" mantle and now over 60 years later, I build gardens for people and teach people how to have a garden and how to have a garden with easy and simple organic maintenance. I spent many years on a 100 acre farm in Nebraska and had 7 big beautiful organic gardens to eat from and we grew everything from asparagus to broccoli to potatoes to almonds to a host of herbs.
I believe that true freedom and true closeness to God is intimately connected with our garden. In The Beginning the Bible describes how God created all of the elements that it takes to grow a garden. The very first story in the Bible is the Garden of Eden.
In 1800, two men in New Amsterdam stood under a tree on the cow path that would become Wall Street, designing a stock 3. Slow Money - Woody Tasch.
(they purposed to stand under a tree on a cow path. They were invoking the Garden of Eden and the original symbol of wealth: the cow)
Government has no power over people who grow their own food.
Poverty has no power over people who grow their own food.
Through most of the 1970's and 1980's, I worked in the field of Engineering in the deep South and the Midwest. In 1990, I made many decisions and one of them was the decision to be self-employed and have a small footstep on the planet. I knew that was the right path for me and my journey is still building new paths to walk on. I eventually studied law at New College of California School of Law in San Francisco and was awarded my Doctor of Jurisprudence in 2006.
I have studied Religion, Myth, Astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Organic Gardening, Astrology, the Planets,Yoga, Kundalini, Breathing, Wellness including Ayurveda for more than 40 years and still find learning vast and fascinating: full of wonder and surprises.
intertruth is focusing energy on the phenomenon of God's Growing Earth and Sky and the Magic that is created from both.